
Hire the Top 3% of 自由职业智能合约开发人员

Toptal是一个面向顶级智能合约开发人员和编码人员的市场. CEOs, CTOs, and management at top companies and startups work with Toptal Smart Contract freelancers to augment their development teams for Smart Contract development, app development, web development, 以及其他软件开发项目来实现他们的业务需求.



Fabrice Triboix

United KingdomToptal Member Since 2017年9月6日

Fabrice is a DevOps engineer with extensive experience with AWS, Kubernetes, and Terraform. He is very keen on automation using CI/CD and infrastructure as code and employing the simplest solution to complex problems. 他曾为思科这样的客户工作, Topps, MyDocSafe, Armedia, HMRC, UK Home Office, 中型公司和初创公司. Fabrice's greatest joy is to see his work actually being used in production and making a positive impact on his client's business.

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Aminadav Glickshtein

IsraelToptal Member Since 2017年9月26日

Aminadav has 15+ years of professional experience and started coding at the age of seven, 把编程当成他的母语. 作为一个全栈和区块链架构师, developer, and consultant, he has in-depth knowledge of many areas and possesses the ability to code quickly and efficiently. 在过去的十年中,他主要关注全栈开发. StackOverflow将他评为前1%的开发者.

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Radek Ostrowski

ThailandToptal Member Since 2014年9月24日

Radek is a certified Toptal blockchain engineer particularly interested in Ethereum and smart contracts. 在法币领域,他在大数据和机器学习项目方面经验丰富. 他是两次不同的国际IBM Apache Spark竞赛的三连冠得主, PlayStation 4后端的共同创造者, 一个成功的黑客马拉松选手, 并在澳大利亚的会议上发表演讲, Poland, and Serbia.

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Sylvain Vittecoq

SwedenToptal Member Since August 17, 2022

Sylvain's been a CTO, engineering manager, and senior software engineer in the US and Europe. 他是个事必躬亲的人, result-oriented expert in Java and solution definition and can work with anyone from engineers to C-level execs. Sylvain's delivered nationwide security infrastructures for millions of devices and connected millions of eCommerce users. Sylvain founded FileChain to offer next-generation blockchain platforms for large-scale Web 3.0, Industry 4.以及NFT去中心化市场.

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Stefan Batalka

United KingdomToptal Member Since October 11, 2022

Stefan is a distributed ledger technology expert with a background in financial applications and deploying algorithmic trading models on centralized exchanges. 自从去中心化金融出现以来, 他的关注点已经转移到链上交易和最大可提取价值(MEV)上。, 特别是在以太坊生态系统中. Stefan对以太坊虚拟机(EVM)网络堆栈很熟悉, 包括核心协议细节, node codebases, Solidity, 智能合约开发.

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Kaustav Chakraborty

IndiaToptal Member Since October 9, 2021

考斯塔夫是个实干家, goal-oriented, 多才多艺的技术专业人士拥有二十多年的经验, 主要是开源数字技术, 比如区块链, IoT, microservices, cloud, 分布式体系结构, R&D, design, and development, with a proven track record delivering consistent business results. 他喜欢接受技术挑战, 了解新技术创新, 并在全球范围内交付成功的产品.

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Darshan Tejani

IndiaToptal Member Since March 11, 2022

Darshan是一名全栈和区块链架构师, developer, 有七年经验的顾问. 他的企业家生涯教会了他快速编写代码, whether extending and improving an existing project or developing a new one from scratch. Darshan在不同技术之间流畅地移动, 有效地工作, 并乐于帮助和指导其他团队成员.

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Julian Cislo

CanadaToptal Member Since October 6, 2022

Julian是一个全栈Web 3.0开发人员和顾问. He specializes in solidity smart contracts design, development, and security considerations. 他创立了QuantDeFi, 这是一家在区块链领域提供解决所有Web 3问题的咨询公司.为希望集成区块链解决方案的客户提供零相关问题. Julian还擅长交易自动化, 利用闪贷技术构建套利和清算机器人.

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PolandToptal Member Since October 3, 2022

Michał is an experienced blockchain and full-stack developer with a 6-year tenure in the crypto realm. 他擅长各种项目,比如ICO网站, NFT marketplaces, 和Hyperledger Fabric解决方案. 他的强项在于使用React和Next的用户友好界面.js,智能合约创建和ERC-721令牌实现. 米肖夫为发展代币经济做出了重大贡献, dApps, 云应用程序, ensuring secure, reliable, 直观的区块链解决方案.

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Robert Pardela

PolandToptal Member Since October 7, 2022

Robert是一名专注于区块链的企业家、IT经理和开发人员. 他领导了几十个大型项目, 40人以上团队, 还有3000万美元的预算来提供全国范围的系统. 区块链启发了他,改变了他对IT系统的看法. Robert is known for his innovation and strong ability to take a project from idea to successful implementation. 他喜欢在树莓派和Arduino上创建物联网解决方案.

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Dominik Krížo

SlovakiaToptal Member Since August 9, 2021

Dominik is a highly skilled and experienced developer who has been programming since 13. 具有面向对象编程的坚实基础, 他在这一领域继续深造, finishing his bachelor's degree in informatics and eventually landed a role as an Android developer, 使用Java和Kotlin. However, Dominik's passion for innovation and decentralization led him to explore the emerging field of blockchain development, 在那里他成为了Rust和WASM的专家.

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Toptal's screening and matching process ensures exceptional talent are matched to your precise needs.

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... allows corporations to quickly assemble teams that have the right skills for specific projects.

Despite accelerating demand for coders, Toptal prides itself on almost Ivy League-level vetting.

Our clients
Conor Kenney
Elmar Platzer
Clients Rate Toptal智能合约开发者4.3 / 5.0截至2024年5月22日,平均有126条评论
没有Toptal就不会有Tripcents. Toptal Projects enabled us to rapidly develop our foundation with a product manager, lead developer, 高级设计师. 在60多天的时间里,我们从概念到Alpha. 其速度、知识、专业知识和灵活性是首屈一指的. Toptal团队是tripcents的一部分,就像tripcents的任何内部团队成员一样. 他们像其他人一样贡献并拥有开发的所有权. 我们将继续使用Toptal. 作为一家初创公司,它们是我们的秘密武器.

Brantley Pace

CEO & Co-Founder

我对我们与Toptal的合作经验非常满意. The professional I got to work with was on the phone with me within a couple of hours. 在和他讨论了我的项目后,我知道他就是我想要的候选人. 我立即雇用了他,他没有浪费时间就完成了我的项目, even going the extra mile by adding some great design elements that enhanced our overall look.

Paul Fenley


与我合作的开发者都非常出色——聪明、有动力、反应灵敏. 过去很难找到高质量的工程师和顾问. Now it isn't.



Toptal立即理解了我们的项目需求. 我们遇到了一位来自阿根廷的杰出自由职业者, from Day 1, 沉浸在我们的行业中, 与我们的团队无缝融合, 理解我们的愿景, 并产生了一流的结果. Toptal使与高级开发人员和程序员的联系变得非常容易.

Jason Kulik


As a small company with limited resources we can't afford to make expensive mistakes. Toptal provided us with an experienced programmer who was able to hit the ground running and begin contributing immediately. 这是一次很棒的经历,我们会马上再来一次.

Stuart Pocknee





Toptal的工程总监将与您一起了解您的目标, technical needs, 团队动力.


Within days, we'll introduce you to the right Smart Contract developer for your project. 平均匹配时间在24小时以下.


Work with your new Smart Contract developer for a trial period (pay only if satisfied), 在订婚前确保他们是合适的人选.


Access a vast pool of skilled developers in our talent network and hire the top 3% within just 48 hours.


  • Toptal智能合约开发者有何不同?

    At Toptal, we thoroughly screen our Smart Contract developers to ensure we only match you with talent of the highest caliber. 在100多个国家中,每年有5000人申请加入Toptal网络, 只有不到3%的人能达标. You’ll work with engineering experts (never generalized recruiters or HR reps) to understand your goals, technical needs, 团队动力. The end result: expert vetted talent from our network, custom matched to fit your business needs.

  • 我可以在48小时内通过Toptal雇佣智能合约开发人员吗?

    取决于可用性和进度, you could start working with a Smart Contract developer within 48 hours of signing up.

  • Toptal智能合约开发者的无风险试用期是什么?

    We make sure that each engagement between you and your Smart Contract developer begins with a trial period of up to two weeks. 这意味着你有时间确认订婚是否成功. 如果你对结果完全满意, 我们会给你开时间单的,你愿意多久我们就多久. 如果您不完全满意,我们不会向您收费. From there, 我们要么分道扬镳, or we can provide you with another expert who may be a better fit and with whom we will begin a second, no-risk trial.

  • Toptal有什么样的人才?

    Our platform hosts a very diverse range of skill sets, experiences, and backgrounds. 我们的自由职业者包括软件工程师, 用户体验设计师, 项目管理专家, and product managers to finance experts who have worked at leading companies such as Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and many more.

  • Toptal还提供哪些服务?

    除了我们的人才匹配服务, we also provide web and application development services like a development company. 通过我们的total Projects团队, 我们组建由高级项目经理组成的跨职能团队, web developers, app developers, 用户界面设计师, 以及其他技术技能. Our team members follow a well-defined development process to build a fully functional solution.


  • 仅限值得信赖的专家


    我们所有的人才都是经验丰富的专家,他们的成长速度很快, 乐于作为核心团队成员做出贡献, 和你一起努力,尽量缩短入职时间.

  • The Right Fit

    The Right Fit

    我们有办法帮你找到合适的衣服. Start working with your new hire on a no-risk trial period, paying only if satisfied.

  • Scale as Needed

    Scale as Needed

    Hire talent within 48 hours and scale your team up or down as needed, no strings attached.

  • Seamless Hiring

    Seamless Hiring

    我们处理账单、付款和保密协议的所有方面. 当你专注于创造伟大的产品时,让我们来照顾你的开销.

  • 灵活的活动


    选择适合你需要的约定类型——每小时, part-time, 或者全职——随时可以改变.

  • 专家人才匹配


    Focus on your project and enjoy support from your dedicated account executive and expert talent matcher.



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